Christmas is right around the corner and we’d just like to get a hip hip hooray! We’re excited — can you tell? Our favorite task of the holiday season (sending Christmas cards) is upon us all. And why do people send Christmas cards at all? Well, given the not-so-easy year we’ve all had, everyone in our lives deserves a little extra festive cheer in 2023. Perhaps you’re updating your Christmas card list this year and not sure who to include. Well, we got you covered. The question of the hour is: Who to send Christmas cards to? And while the answer may seem obvious, we’ve gone ahead and outlined some important folks everyone should include on their Christmas list.

[Pro tip: If you need some help collecting (or updating) your Christmas list’s mailing addresses — use the free Postable address book to do it for you. It only takes a few minutes so you can go enjoy the holidays.]
Who should you be sending Christmas cards to?
The holiday clock is ticking so let’s not waste any time. As you create or update your Christmas card list, we’re here to help remind you of some important folks that should definitely make the cut. Who to send Christmas cards to isn’t rocket science, but we know there’s a lot going on so feel free to use this as a guide.
Send really nice Christmas cards to everyone on your list in minutes. Postable prints, addresses, and mails the cards for you!
1. Your Family
This one is kind of a given, but mom and dad aren’t the only ones who would love to receive a Christmas card from you. Besides your grandparents — who obviously also deserve a card — consider your cousins, uncles, and just about any other extended family you may have.
Basically, when thinking about who to send Christmas cards to you want to open up the criteria when it comes to family. Consider sending a Christmas card to any family members that may be too far away to join in on the family activities — it sucks to be alone during Christmas. Especially after the last two years we’ve all endured, spreading extra love around during the holidays to our very own families is a must.

2. Your Friends
Another obvious group of people to send Christmas cards to are your friends. But before you dismiss this, give it some more thought. While the friends you stay in touch with now should be on your Christmas card list, what about those that you’ve lost touch with? Remember your childhood bestie that you speak with maybe twice a year? They’re sure to love a Christmas card from one of their oldest friends. What about those that you’d like to get back in touch with? Sending a Christmas card is a great way to get the communication train back up and running. Then there’s the family friend. Perhaps your best friend’s parents have been your extended family your whole life — why not send them some love during the holidays? Don’t forget your work friends! What would life be without the people that make the work day that much better?! Mondays wouldn’t be the same without them — let them know you’re grateful for their existence.
Send really nice Christmas cards to everyone on your list in minutes. Postable prints, addresses, and mails the cards for you!
Friends who you should send a Christmas card to:
- Childhood friends
- Best friend’s parents
- Friends you’d like to reconnect with
- Work friends
- Your children’s friends and families

3. Your Clients
Why send Christmas cards to your clients? Well, business holiday cards are a great way to touch base with your customers during the most joyful time of year. There are a million reasons why it’s both business savvy and just nice to send business holiday cards. First of all, you’ll be putting your brand in front of existing customers (hello customer retention) during the highest peak season of the year. The time that most consumers are getting ready (or have already started) to begin shopping for gifts and services is definitely a good time to remind customers of your products and services. The basic idea behind customer retention is building a relationship with your clients. What better way to do that than sending personal Christmas cards?

4. Your Boss and Employees
Speaking of business holiday cards, your clients aren’t the only people who help make your small business run on the daily. In fact, some of the most valuable assets your small business has are your employees. Especially in the current employee market, retaining valuable talent is likely a top priority. So don’t forget to mail them a lovely holiday card as well! If you’re on the fence about sending your employees their own holiday cards — don’t be. Sending out company Christmas cards to your employees will be the single easiest way to boost morale and that’s not something to take for granted.
And if you have some higher ups that you consider your boss(s), take the time to write personal holiday messages to all of them. Assuming there are only a few, each personal card should only take a few minutes. This small gesture during the festive season may just help you out in the long run.

5. Your Community
Let’s start with your neighbors. Whether you’ve been close (or not) with the folks living next to (or above) you — why not try and warm up relations during the coziest time of the year? Next time you see each other out on the driveway (or in the stairwell of your apartment building) you’ll have that delightful Christmas card to talk about. And you already know their address, so addressing the cards will be a breeze. Next, think about the folks that make up the rest of your community — your local firefighters for example. Think about the folks who do a whole lot for your community. These people deserve a little extra warmth this holiday season, and are exactly who you should be sending Christmas cards to!
Send really nice Christmas cards to everyone on your list in minutes. Postable prints, addresses, and mails the cards for you!
Who to send Christmas cards to in your community:
- Your neighbors
- Teachers
- Local firefighters
- Rec center volunteers
- Your hair dresser (yes, really)

6. Hospitalized Kids
There are some families out there that won’t be home for Christmas. It’s probably not the easiest time of the year for them and they could use a little extra love. Thankfully you can offer a tiny bit of that love by sending them Christmas cards. It’s such a simple act that can go a long way.
Charities like Cards for Hospitalized Kids do all the legwork — all you have to do is send the card to:
Cards for Hospitalized Kids
7290 W. Devon
Chicago, IL 60631

7. Soldiers
Last, but absolutely not least, a list of who to send Christmas cards to would be incomplete without this last group. Sending Christmas cards to our soldiers is another small task that can easily go a long way to giving a little warmth to someone’s holiday season. It’s the least we can do. Many of our service members are out serving their country — away from their family and friends. Send them a warm message and thank them for their sacrifice with a Christmas card.