We’re excited to bring you yet another one of our exclusive interviews with one of Postable’s incredibly talented artists. This time we asked the creative genius behind Maegan Makes. Maegan McNulty is originally from a small Connecticut town, but has called Boston, MA her home for the past 10 years. All of her designs are hand drawn and lettered by Maegan in her minimalistic, yet playful style. Keep reading to get the inside scoop!
1. What’s your favorite book?
I’m currently reading “Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays” by Jill Gutowitz. I’m only half way through it, but it’s already one of my favorite books. It’s a collection of essays exploring queerness, pop culture, and the internet, among other things. Not only is it very funny, but I relate to a lot of her experiences and the pop culture moments she references.

2. Favorite movie?
For the longest time my favorite movie was Billy Madison. That was one of many VHS tapes at my Grandma’s house, so I watched it on repeat enough that I could basically recite the entire movie back to you. Now, I would say my favorite movie is The First Wives Club. I’ve seen it so many times and still haven’t grown tired of it.
3. Favorite TV show?
Killing Eve, without a doubt. Season 1 is one of the best seasons of television ever created and I can’t be convinced otherwise. A very close second is Rupaul’s Drag Race. I’ve been watching it since Season 5 so it’s my comfort show. Season 14 has been really good, I’m currently Team Willow, Bosco, and Angie.
4. Favorite song?
My answer to this question is always changing, however, today it’s “Hold On” by Adele. The lyrics in the bridge of that song always gives me chills. Honorable mention to Kehlani and Doja Cat’s entire discography.
5. Favorite food?
I love all things food – eating, cooking, watching people cook on youtube, etc. so choosing a favorite is tough. But my go-to food to order for take-out is always Mexican. Burritos/burrito bowls are simply the perfect meal.
6. Drink of choice?
This is such a boring answer but I’m always drinking water. However, if we’re talking alcoholic drinks, then it’s either a margarita (with a sugar rim), a mojito, or a moscow mule. I apparently only drink cocktails that start with M, which is very on brand for me.
7. Go-to karaoke song?
Anything by One Direction or “Love Shack” by The B-52’s. I prefer to sing with others, so these songs are perfect for that.
8. When did you realize you wanted to be a designer?
I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I went to college. It wasn’t until I took a book binding class my freshman year that I realized how much I love art. After I took my first graphic design class my sophomore year, I knew this was the path for me. Apparently, according to my mom, I used to write and illustrate my own books in kindergarten, so I guess I’ve always had a love for designing and creating.

9. Did you go to design school or teach yourself?
I did go to design school, however, I’ve taught myself a lot since then. Design school taught me a lot of the basics of graphic design, but I think at this point I’ve taught myself more than I learned in school.
10. If you had to describe your style with only three words what would they be?
Simple, playful, and cute.

11. When did you start your company?
I’ve been freelancing part-time since 2015, however, it wasn’t until early 2020 that I officially started Maegan Makes.
12. Where is your studio located?
Boston, MA, or more specifically, Brighton.
13. What’s your favorite card of yours on Postable?
It’s a tie between Swiped Right and The Only One. Both designs were inspired by my partner, Gina, so they hold a special place in my heart.

14. What artists, past or present, inspire your work?
There are so many artists on Dribble and Instagram I turn to for inspiration that I could be here all day listing them. Gia Graham (@iamgiagraham) is the reason I got into hand lettering. Oraarts (@oraarts), Lauren Hom (@homsweethom), Rik Schlimbach (@rikdrawsthings), and Lim Heng Swee (@limhengswee) are a few of my favorites.
15. If you had to choose a spirit animal what would it be and why?
I think my spirit animal is a crab. Not in the sense that I’m a crabby person (although I do get hangry), but I have a tough shell to crack. If or once you get through it, I’m soft and squishy on the inside. I’m also a Cancer sun and rising and Cancer’s zodiac symbol is a crab, so it all ties together.
16. When was the last time you laughed really hard and why?
Just the other day my cat Larry (short for Lawrence Chaney) somehow got himself stuck in an empty box in the most unusual position. He is truly one of a kind and never ceases to amaze me or make me laugh.

17. How would you spend your dream Saturday?
My dream Saturday would be spent doing my favorite things in Boston, like stopping by Brookline Booksmith for new books, going to Anna’s Taqueria for a steak burrito, and riding my bike around the Esplanade. I’d end the day hanging out with my friends and their dogs at the Charles River Park. Also it’s April 25th because it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.
18. If you weren’t allowed to work for 12 months, what would you do?
I’m also assuming I have unlimited money in this scenario so I would spend my year traveling around the world. I was an art history minor in college, so I’ve always wanted to do an art history tour of the world. I would go to countries like Italy, France, and Greece to finally see all of the things I learned about in person.
19. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Probably Southern California. I visited that area a few years ago and I could really get used to that weather.
20. Was this questionnaire too long?
No, it was the perfect length!